Fusion Jamaica

Bringing Jamaican Children & Their Communities Together With Hope
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Imagine Jamaican children in vulnerable situations having some skilled workers to walk alongside them. Imagine a team of workers who are trained, equipped, and released to make an empowering difference. Imagine these children being strengthened, not only to face the challenges, but to make a difference in the contexts in which they are growing up. Imagine the children and the workers being backed up by the prayer and care of a supportive community.

This is the dream we have for Jamaican children in tough situations

Imagine a network of prayerful and supportive communities like this, communities that are defined by their love for Jesus, their love for one another, and their commitment to finding creative and practical ways to reflect the light of His love into specific situations of darkness in the world.

This, we believe, is the dream Jesus has for His people … and the dream we have made our own.

Recent News …

January News

January News

Leohrandra put together something a bit different for this Newsletter ... so press play, let it turn the pages for you, and enjoy! (It is 3 pages, 30 seconds per page ... page 2 has a thank you card signed by some of the children ... and the last page is well worth...

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Focus on the person

Focus on the person

I would like to ask you all to try something. Hold out your arm, with 4 fingers pointing up (like the group is doing in the photo above). Now hold those fingers directly between you and someone’s face (if you are the only person in the room, try it with a picture on...

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Pressing on

Pressing on

The photo above was a recent Kids Club programme at the Dream Centre in Trench Town. Two large extended families in Trench Town are involved in some gang activity, and there have been three revenge killings between the two sides in the last few months. This makes...

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